News & Events Page

News & Events Page Guide

Starred Story

The top story is a random starred story from Landing Pages: News group. It falls back to the most recent/most ballooned unstarred story. The story must have an image, and can show a video (optional). 

Latest News 

The next two stories are the two newest stories from any group, and they are write-up stories.

It excludes stories that are web links, and exclude stories from certain groups, or with certain tags. To see which groups and tags are excluded, edit the widget.

MMC on the Web

These stories are all web links: three newest stories that  have URL links. 

To see which groups and tags are excluded, edit the widget.

All News 

The All News  link goes to the news archive page, which shows archived and non-archived stories from most groups.

To see which groups and tags are excluded, edit the widget.

In the sidebar, there is a random starred story from Landing Pages: News group. It falls back to the most recent/most ballooned unstarred story.

Sidebar Events

The news landing page shows the next three upcoming events from most groups in the sidebar. 

To see which groups and tags are excluded, edit the widget.

Sidebar Button

This is editable. Edit the page to change this button.

Sidebar Tweet

Shows the latest tweet from NYCMarymount.
