Administrator Content

Website administrators can edit high-profile areas of the site such as the site header and footer.

We’ll keep a list of these areas here, with directions on how to edit them.

Header and Footer Navigations

In the Web Admins group, go to Pages > Navigation.

Look for view navigation and open the menu.

Choose one of the following navigations:

  • Main Navigation
  • For You
  • More To Explore
  • Request - Visit - Apply
  • Inside MMC - Buttons
  • Inside MMC - Other Links  (appears below buttons)
  • Footer Directories
  • Footer Legal


For each navigation, you can remove a link, rename a link, or add a new link.

Clicking “Rename” will rename the navigation link only, whereas clicking the page title will rename the page title and the navigation link. 

Note: Once the site is live, we highly recommend testing any navigation changes on the development site before making changes to the live site.

Footer Image

A random starred image from the 2021 Footer Images collection appears at the bottom of every page. If no image is starred, a random image without a star appears.

In the Web Admins group, go to Images > 2021 Footer Images.

Upload an image at least 1600 x 900px and star it to always appear.

Social Links

These are hardcoded into the site-header and site-footer includes, respectively.


The footer maps are kept in the Web Admins group.

Go to Images > 2021 Footer Maps.

There is a Small Circle Map which is the circular map that appears in the footer (200 x 200px)

The Large Map appears when you click the circle. (1400px x Any Height)

To replace either of these maps, click the image to edit, then under Image Preview click “replace with a new file from your computer”

Upload a new JPG image with a similar size, and save. The footer maps will be updated.

Other Areas

Other things in the header and footer are hardcoded into the site-footer.html and site-header.html includes. These files can only be edited by accessing the filesystem. Please ask your developer. 
