Sofija Gligorov ’13
Class of 2013 Valedictorian, Major in International Business and Economics

The amazing classes taught by brilliant professors gave me the knowledge needed to step into a full-time role at a company. Furthermore, the fact that the college was in NYC made me independent, courageous, and open-minded. Being an RA (Resident Advisor) developed my communication, organization, and prioritization skills, which are crucial to my current role. Also, the peer-to-peer relationships that I developed with my professors gave me the confidence and support for the future.
Originally from Macedonia, I graduated from MMC in 2013 as the Valedictorian with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, and a concentration in International Business and Economics.
I now work at JP Morgan Chase & Co. as an Analyst in Global Treasury within Corporate Finance. I started in JP Morgan as an intern in a new corporate organization called Oversight & Control, formed because of the heavy regulatory demands facing banks as a result of the 2008 Financial Crisis. This fast-paced environment that was so relevant to the firm and to the overall financial services industry made me realize how much I enjoy working in an area where you get more of a bird’s eye perspective on a company.
However, my current role would not have been possible without my Marymount experience. The amazing classes taught by brilliant professors gave me the knowledge needed to step into a full-time role at a company. Furthermore, the fact that the college was in NYC made me independent, courageous, and open-minded. Being an RA (Resident Advisor) developed my communication, organization, and prioritization skills, which are crucial to my current role. Also, the peer-to-peer relationships that I developed with my professors gave me the confidence and support for the future. All of these things combined make MMC an unbelievable college full of diverse individuals that are willing to help each other and make each other grow.
MMC has truly prepared me for the future, and I recommend all students to get involved in activities, get the most out of their classes, and network. NYC is the best place to meet people, and you get a job mostly by knowing people. Communicate and build relationships right away, because they will certainly serve you in the future. Leave every meeting with one person with the information to make another meeting with a different person!
Originally from Macedonia, I graduated from MMC in 2013 as the Valedictorian with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, and a concentration in International Business and Economics.
I now work at JP Morgan Chase & Co. as an Analyst in Global Treasury within Corporate Finance. I started in JP Morgan as an intern in a new corporate organization called Oversight & Control, formed because of the heavy regulatory demands facing banks as a result of the 2008 Financial Crisis. This fast-paced environment that was so relevant to the firm and to the overall financial services industry made me realize how much I enjoy working in an area where you get more of a bird’s eye perspective on a company.
However, my current role would not have been possible without my Marymount experience. The amazing classes taught by brilliant professors gave me the knowledge needed to step into a full-time role at a company. Furthermore, the fact that the college was in NYC made me independent, courageous, and open-minded. Being an RA (Resident Advisor) developed my communication, organization, and prioritization skills, which are crucial to my current role. Also, the peer-to-peer relationships that I developed with my professors gave me the confidence and support for the future. All of these things combined make MMC an unbelievable college full of diverse individuals that are willing to help each other and make each other grow.
MMC has truly prepared me for the future, and I recommend all students to get involved in activities, get the most out of their classes, and network. NYC is the best place to meet people, and you get a job mostly by knowing people. Communicate and build relationships right away, because they will certainly serve you in the future. Leave every meeting with one person with the information to make another meeting with a different person!