Dr. Daisy Bow Leads Academic Perfume Workshop

A scholar of the cultural history of fragrance, Dr. Daisy Bow led an hour-long workshop as part of the English and World Literatures brown-bag series on Tuesday, December 4 in the Regina Peruggi room.

With an impressive display of both vintage and contemporary glass bottles of perfume to her left, French professor Daisy Bow led students, faculty, and guests through an interactive and pungent tour of French perfumes from the early 20th century. Focusing on historical events like World War I and II, Dr. Bow discussed these monumental moments and their impact on the economy and perfume market, as well as their radical effect on societal norms, gender roles, and marketing industries. 

Dr. Bow is teaching a course this January 2019 semester on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays entitled Perfume, Identity, and Material Culture. 

A variety of vintage perfumes from Dr. Bow's collection. A variety of vintage perfumes from Dr. Bow's collection.

Published: December 06, 2018

EWL Prof. Published in ‘The Academic’s Handbook’

Associate Professor of English and World Literatures Magdalena Maczynska, Ph.D., has published a book chapter in The Academic’s Handbook from Duke University Press.
Magda Maczynska