Winners of the 2018 EWL Literary Essay Contests Announced

Each year, the English and World Literatures Department awards two students for excellence in essay writing and literary criticism in honor of two former beloved faculty members, Priscilla Costello and Carol Camper.
The Priscilla H. Costello Award for Literary Criticism

Zarah-Mikayla Lattimore’s paper, “‘An American Story Incomplete’: Color-Conscious Casting and Representations of the Black Past in Hamilton: The Revolution” tackles a controversial issue -color-conscious casting in Hamilton- in an original way by questioning how color-conscious casting in a literary (theatrical) adaptation of U.S. history functions to erase and distort the experiences of Black people in U.S. history. She sets up her claim clearly; establishes a theoretical framework; practices close reading; and steps back to make a broad claim about how the literary reality and its presentation may have consequences. Her style is crisp; her argument dialectical; and the conclusions relevant to current events in literature, art, and society. Furthermore, Zarah’s paper considers sources from varied disciplines, including the social sciences and the arts.

Read her full work here

The Carol Camper Award for Essay Writing

Kasey Dugan’s essay “Anti-Semitism in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight” is a well-constructed and fresh re-reading of the Sir Gawain text as “a manifestation of the medieval anxiety surrounding Jews” (Dugan 1). The essay offers detailed and nuanced close reading of the romance, engages in productive dialogue with critical sources, and delights the reader with vivid, sophisticated language.

Read her full essay here.

Published: May 15, 2018


Dr. Jennifer Brown

EWL Prof. Published in ‘The Academic’s Handbook’

Associate Professor of English and World Literatures Magdalena Maczynska, Ph.D., has published a book chapter in The Academic’s Handbook from Duke University Press.
Magda Maczynska