EWL Professor Earns 2017 Teaching Excellence Award

Dr. Magdalena Macyznksa received the Marymount Manhattan College Teaching Excellence Award on Monday, December 11, 2017.

An EWL colleague explained, “Dr. Mączyńska has taught over 22 courses at MMC — in English and World Literatures, as well as in NYC Seminar, Gen Ed, and Writing programs. It would seem with that breadth that it would be very challenging to express depth. However, Dr. Mączyńska has consistently risen to this challenge, teaching in her field of research, developing additional expertise, and taking students along with her on a journey as she pursues new areas of scholarship. Dr. Mączyńska’s breadth and depth of teaching is a major asset to our department and for our major, where students’ access to and understanding of global literature is our focus. 

Congratulations to our esteemed colleague, Dr. Maczynska!

Published: December 11, 2017

EWL Prof. Published in ‘The Academic’s Handbook’

Associate Professor of English and World Literatures Magdalena Maczynska, Ph.D., has published a book chapter in The Academic’s Handbook from Duke University Press.
Magda Maczynska