Jenny Dixon

Jennifer Dixon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and ChairDepartment of Communication and Media Arts
Communication and Media ArtsPhone
Dr. Jenny Dixon (Ph.D., University of Missouri) is featured in Journal of Applied Communication Research, Communication Quarterly, and The Electronic Journal of Communication. Jenny’s research explores work-family balance at the intersection of workplace diversity. Specifically, her research examines how single, child-free, and/or LGBTQ working adults represent and advocate for work/family balance needs through everyday communication, in the workplace. In response to the COVID19 pandemic, Jenny’s research has shifted to ways in which working adults advocate for themselves amid changing ideas of what it means to be at work. All of Jenny’s research occurs with a critical eye, considering lingering gendered distributions of labor, both at home and in the workplace. Jenny also studies political communication; specifically, patterns of incivility in presidential debate. Her co-authored paper, U.S. Presidential Debates 1948-2016: An Issue of Interpersonal Respect and Formality was awarded top paper for the Political Communication Division of the National Communication Association 2019 Conference.
Dr. Dixon’s book, Communication, Advocacy, and Work-Family Balance (Routledge, 2017), is available on Amazon, and Routledge.
PhD., University of Missouri
M.A., Kansas State University
B.A.E.D., Northeastern State University
Recent Work
Articles & Presentations
Scott, D. K., Chanslor, M., & Dixon, J. (2019, November). U.S. presidential debates 1948-2016: An issue of interpersonal respect and formality. Top Paper Panel. Presented at the Political Communication Division of the NCA annual conference, Baltimore, MD.
Dixon, J. (2018). “It’s a hustle:” Reimagining work/family balance as privilege-bound. Presented at the Organizational Communication Division at NCA annual conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Dixon, J. (2017). Queer approaches. In C. R. Scott, L. Lewis, J. R. Barker, J. Keyton, T. Kuhn, P. K. Turner (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of organizational communication (pp. 2023-2030). New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
Dixon, J., & Liberman, C. J. (2016). Shedding light on dark structures constraining work/family balance: A structurational approach. In E. S. Gilchrist-Petty & S. D. Long (Eds.), Contexts of the Dark Side of Communication (pp. 281-292). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Dixon, J. (2015). The workplace socialization of gender identity: A phenomenological exploration of being transgender at work. In J. C. Capuzza & L. G. Spencer (Eds.) Transgender communication studies: History, trends and trajectories. Rowan & Littlefield, Inc.
Dixon, J. (2015). Familyarizing: Work/life balance for single, childfree and chosen family. The Electronic Journal of Communication, 25(1-2).
Dixon, J., & Dougherty, D. S. (2014). A language convergence/meaning divergence analysis exploring how LGBTQ and single employees manage traditional family expectations in the workplace. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/00909882.2013.847275
Dixon, J. (2013). Uneasy recreation: Workplace social events as problematic sites for communicating sexual orientation. Florida Communication Journal.
Dixon, J. (2012). Communicating (st)ageism: Exploring stereotypes of age and sexuality in the workplace. Research on Aging, 34, 654-669. doi: 10.1177/0164027512450036
Scott, D. K., Chanslor, M., & Dixon, J. (2010). Assessing the ‘alternative’ in alternative media: Democracy Now! vs. the PBS News Hour. Communication Quarterly, 58, 319-340. Doi: 10.1080/01463373.2010.503165
Earlier Conference Presentations
Dixon, J. (2015, November). The familial is political: Understanding family as a fulcrum of workplace diversity. Presented at the Organizational Communication Interest Group at NCA annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Dixon, J. (2013, April). Uneasy recreation: Workplace social events as problematic sites for communicating sexual orientation. Presented at the Organizational Communication Interest Group at the CSCAannual conference , Kansas City, MO.
Dixon, J., & Dougherty, D. (2012, November). The family hegemony: Exploring how LGBTQ and single employees work around traditional family expectations. Presented at the Organizational Communication Interest Group at NCA annual conference, Orlando, FL. Top Paper Panel.
COMM 104: Interpersonal Communication
COMM 107: Principles and Theories of Communication
COMM 236: Public Speaking in the Digital Age
COMM 250: Organizational Communication
COMM 308: Special Topics: Gender and Communication
COMM 450: Senior Capstone
GSS: 250: Sexuality Studies