CommArts Professor Publishes New Book on Media Research
The book, published through Kendall Hunt, focuses on the growth of the Internet, social media, mobile applications, media convergence, and a variety of other technological advances that have significantly transformed the media landscape. Casing Mediated Communication presents 26 case studies that explore the multi-faceted nature of new media and mediated communication as applied to current communication contexts, such as interpersonal relationships, online dating, online organizational communication, online social support, strategic communication, and global new media communication and international/intercultural issues.
“While social media are certainly not new, and scholarship associated with social media has permeated the literature for some time, we decided that we needed to apply a case study approach to better understand best practices,” says Dr. Liberman. “That is, social media provide new and advantageous methods for interaction, yet also provide (and even promote) some potential risks. It is our hope that this book opens students’ eyes and minds to both the opportunities and challenges presented in the social media-saturated world in which we currently find ourselves embedded.”
Casing Mediated Communication is available for purchase from Kendall Hunt Publishing’s website.
Congratulations, Dr. Liberman!
Published: February 03, 2021