Author Abby Friedman Talks Fandom in Advanced Writing Seminar

On Wednesday, September 12, Adjunct Professor Alec Magnet of Academic Writing hosted a discussion with writer Abby Friedman as part of his WRIT 201: Advanced Writing Seminar course.

Abby, who spoke at MMC in 2017, talked about the evolution of fanfiction to its current form and the platforms where it flourished. She touched on and answered questions surrounding ethics and fandom, and her experiences as a writer, creator, and member of these vast communities. Throughout her stories, Abby wove the key ways in which fandom helped shape who she is today. Many thanks to Abby for returning to campus for another fantastic conversation!

About Professor Magnet’s Course

What Does Fandom Do? examines a variety of critical and creative works that explore the related themes of fandom and social identity. What sort of relationships do we have with the books, shows, and performers that we love? And if we create our own texts or artwork in response, what can we accomplish? Considering how fandom intersects with race, gender, sexuality, and class, this course will explore how people use their love for cultural objects to negotiate both their internal, emotional worlds and the political realities around them.

Published: September 11, 2018


Dr. Diana Epelbaum, Director of Academic Writing

Academic Writing Announces New Upper Level Course for Spring ’21

For the first time, the Department of Academic Writing is offering a brand new upper level course this spring: Professional Writing Across Disciplines.