Writing 010 - Effective Thinking
This course introduces students to a variety of active reading, thinking, writing, and reflective strategies. Emphasis will be given to thinking through writing—and especially approaches for invention, drafting, and revision—and to understanding organizational structures and thinking patterns used in academic writing. Students learn their individual writing processes while composing a series of essays that build toward those in WRIT 101.
Writing 009 - Effective Thinking Lab
This course is designed to meet student needs as they arise, providing skills-centered support for WRIT 010. In this lab, WRIT 010’s academic essays are scaffolded, as instructors aid students in the development of their individual writing processes. In-class time is allotted for essay drafting and revision, as well as for grammar, style, peer workshops, writing lessons, critical thinking and rhetorical exercises, reflective practice, and skills transfer.
Writing 011- Writing Lab
This course is a flexibly-designed support lab for WRIT 101. Students receive supplemental skills instruction and further practice with professional-level composition as they invent, draft, and revise WRIT 101’s academic essays. Writing lab reinforces strategies for active reading, thinking through writing, and ethical engagement with sources, allotting in-class time for student needs as they arise, and emphasizing skills transfer and reflective practice.