Past Career Services Programming
Career Services offers a wide variety of workshops, campus visits, on site visits and other programs to ensure MMC students are well equipped in their career path.
- Lisa from CNBC and an MMC Alum, visited with Communication students on campus to discuss best practices when preparing for a job in television.
- Students can meet employers during our Fall and Spring Career Fair!
- We host two annual Career Fairs with over 30 Employers on campus to hire students and alumni for internships, part-time, and full-time positions.
- Mark Groce of the MTA speaking with graphic design and video students about preparing for their career field and interning with Transit Transit News.
- 1st Annual MMC Career Launch Summit’s Finance & Entrepreneurship Panel moderated by Anika Ferdoash, International Business & Finance ’17.
- VP for Student Affairs Carol Jackson and Emily Miethner of FindSpark with MMC Students ready for a full day of networking and professional development at the MMC Career Launch Summit.
- Julie a Style Editor from BuzzFeed speaks with students at a networking mixer.
- Career Services strives to assist students in translating the skills they’ve learned in the classroom into their dream careers.
- The MMC Career Connection is a one stop database for students and alumni to apply to internships, part-time, and full-time positions. The Career Connection has an average of 500 positions posted at anytime.
- Visit Career Services! We are located at Main 106 across from the Great Hall.
- Career Services works with each of our students to translate their skills learned here at MMC into the career of their choice.
- MMC Career Services is here to help our graduates.Copyright 2012 Joe Vericker PhotoBureau
- We offer site visits to different companies around the city. These have included CNN, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Primary Stages, CNBC and more!