Cultural Peer Mentor Program

Cultural Peer Mentors (CPMs) are student leaders who help new international students become acclimated to Marymount Manhattan College and to the larger New York City community. They are role models, advisors, and friends, but most of all, they are students themselves who care about helping their classmates from abroad integrate seamlessly into college life.


Meet the Cultural Peer Mentors

  • Gustavo Blaauw

    Art History and Playwriting/Directing

    Oie!!! My name is Gustavo Blaauw or just Gus. I’m an International student from São Paulo, Brazil! I am currently in my senior year at Marymount. I am studying Art History and Playwriting/Directing. Around the city, you will probably find me hunting for a museum somewhere, or in line to get a cheap ticket for a Broadway show or a performance at the Met Opera. This is my third year as a Cultural peer mentor, and I am beyond excited to meet you all! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me via email (, MMC Engage App, or my Instagram (@gcblaauw)!

  • Paulina Eid

    Dance and Business

    Hello! My name is Paulina Eid, and I am an international student from Bolivia. I am about to begin my first semester as a senior and I double major in Dance and Business. This is my first year as a CPM, and I am beyond excited to be able to share my experience both at MMC and in this vibrant city with all of you. I feel delighted to enhance my learning through what the upcoming international students have to offer and share about their unique and rich cultures this semester. I can’t wait to meet all of you and help bring all the international community together (although it will be virtually this semester) at MMC. I would be more than willing to answer any questions, doubts, or give any advice!

  • Kiara Mendez

    BFA Acting with a Drama Therapy minor
    Hola! My name is Kiara Mendez and I’m from Puerto Rico. I am currently a senior in the BFA Acting major with a Drama Therapy minor and a student leader on campus. Aside from being the Head Cultural Peer Mentor (CPM) I am also this year’s Vice President for the Student Government Association (SGA). My favorite spot in the city is Washington Square Park and you can always find me rehearsing somewhere on campus! I am super excited to meet and welcome you all to MMC and New York City. Don’t forget I’m an email away!
