Teaching Dance Arts

The Teaching Dance Arts concentration provides theoretical knowledge and practical experience for BA dance majors who wish to pursue a career in teaching dance to those who seek movement exploration as a means toward self-expression, self-discovery, and self-knowledge.

Teaching dance It addresses the fundamental and practical knowledge of various dance techniques, principles of music, anatomy, curriculum development, and pedagogy. Discussions of alternative pedagogical methodologies are encouraged and explored.

Students learn to incorporate the National Dance Education Standards for teaching dance arts in diverse and inclusive environments from children through professionals. A broadened perspective ensures recognition of the role that dance education can play in the enrichment of lifelong learning skills and allows for an emphasis on special populations, community outreach, arts advocacy through education, interdisciplinary practices, and teaching as creating, performance, and vocabulary.

* The track in Teaching Dance Arts is a concentration within the BA Dance Major and does not constitute a minor in Education leading to New York State Certification in Dance.

View the curriculum requirements for the
Teaching Dance Arts Concentration here.
