Manager Toolkit
The purpose of the Toolkit is to provide resources and tools to Managers, Department Heads, and Supervisors as we navigate through this transitional period. As Marymount Manhattan College begins to reopen its campus, supervisors will be expected to continue to manage both remote and onsite employees. Supervising a combination of remote and onsite teams requires sensitivity, flexibility and skill.
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions, but also some questions to keep in mind when planning for reopening.
7 Tips in 7 Minutes: Managing Remotely
A presentation by Cindy Graziano of GrayWolf Consulting
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is my responsibility as a manager to assign, track, and report the work schedules for my employees during the reopening?
It is the responsibility of the manager to clearly determine schedules for each employee within your department. Employees should be notified of their schedules prior to returning to work and schedules and staffing plans should be created in consultation with area Vice Presidents. Staffing plans should be shared with HR by each VP by updating the shared staffing plan drive.
2. How do I determine who works remotely and who comes to campus?
Staff will be returning to the campus facilities at a reduced capacity to start. Certain departments may require more or less capacity at different times. Assessment of staffing will be determined by department heads in consultation with those who may share office space. VPs and Department Heads should ensure that the staffing plan ensures the best service to students possible as well as ensuring continuity of business operations. Situations may differ depending on the work being done, but also the physical space of each office. For additional planning resources, please refer to:
Emergency Telecommuting Policy
Telecommuting and Remote Worker Feasibility Worksheet
3. What if I have an employee who requests a flexible work arrangement?
Managers who receive flexible work requests should work directly with the employee to establish a schedule that corresponds with required safety measures and the needs of the department and the employee. Please refer to the Flexible Work Schedule Request form for planning assistance. Employees who are unable to return to work, but cannot perform job requirements remotely, should speak to the Department of Human Resources for guidance on requesting an ADA accommodation.
4. What do I do if an essential on-site employee does not feel comfortable coming back to campus?
Essential employees who do not feel comfortable returning to campus should work directly with supervisors to determine alternative plans if possible. When alternative work assignments are not possible, the employee can use any of their accrued paid time off.
5. How should I advise an employee requesting special accommodations for health or other reasons?
When an employee that is considered high-risk exposure to COVID-19 requests an accommodation, the College will provide options for alternative work assignments where possible, such as telework, alternative work locations, reassignment, or social distancing measures.
When alternative work assignments are not possible, the employee can use any of their accrued paid time off. If an employee requests a special medical accommodation, please have them contact the Human Resources Department or see the procedure for Requesting Accommodations.
6. What do I do if an employee tells me they are exhibiting COVID symptoms?
Upon notice, supervisor should notify the Department of Human Resources.
7. Where can I find information regarding the health and safety guidelines that the College is implementing?
Information regarding the health and safety guidelines that the College is implementing can be found on the MMC restart webpages here.
8. Am I required to enforce the health and safety rules for the employees in my department?
Managers should be prepared to ensure employees are maintaining proper schedules and social distancing measures. This includes maintaining distance as well as wearing face coverings when distancing is not possible.
Additional Information Managers and Supervisors Should Consider in Designing Department Plans:
- What staffing is necessary to provide best service to students while ensuring continuity of business operations?
- Assess what you’ve learned from remote working thus far
- Which positions have to be physically onsite to perform their duties and functions?
- If onsite employees are unable to report to work, who will complete the necessary duties if they can’t be done remotely?
- Given current guidance, how can you incorporate new/alternative staffing approaches to ensure business continuity within your department?
- Can we deploy current staff who have not been working remotely to new assignments?
- Can current employees be trained in new tasks related to online and remote work so they can assist with different or new actions and activities?
- Be aware of cross-departmental dependencies. Do certain employees need to be onsite for specific tasks or projects that work with other departments?
- Reimagine roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
- Communicate with employees and explain why jobs are changing, and clear expectations.
- Is training required for employees with new assignments?
- Communicate openly and consistently
- Keep everyone abreast of new developments and information, as frequently as possible.
- Evaluate technology and identify needs
- Leverage technology to reduce or redeploy workforce
- Identify necessary technology training
- Do employees have the technology they need to complete the necessary work?
Please contact the Department of Human Resources with any additional questions.