Know Your Rights

In compliance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Marymount Manhattan College provides support for students with learning, physical, medical and psychological disabilities. Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations of any kind need to be registered with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). 

College resources and staff cannot be expected to meet all of a student’s needs associated with managing a disability. It is expected that students will follow appropriate health regimens, secure appropriate medical and therapeutic assistance from qualified practitioners at MMC or in the New York City area, and arrange necessary support services (i.e. transportation, individual monitoring of needs, financial assistance, personal care) that our college does not provide.

Marymount Manhattan College does not assume the responsibility of identifying students who may be eligible for accommodations. It is solely the student’s responsibility to disclose and define their disability and their need for accommodations. Self-identifying a disability, and seeking accommodations are personal decisions. If a student requests accommodations at Marymount Manhattan College, they are responsible for completing the process for registering with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Although ODS can assist students with disabilities with many tasks, it is up to the student to take the initiative and remain actively involved in the accommodation process. 

Students requesting an accommodation due to a qualifying disability should self identify by the end of the third full week of classes by registering with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) or immediately following a qualifying event occurring after the beginning of the school year. Informing other College offices, faculty, or staff does not constitute registering with the office. Accommodation requests are evaluated individually based on documentation and completion of the registration process. To obtain special housing accommodations, students must self identify no later than move in.

Please read: 

The Office of Disability Services Policy Handbook

Learn more about your legal rights:
