Items tagged with environmental studies

Chemistry and the Environment
Students in Prof. Leri’s Chemistry and the Environment (CHEM/ENV 105) class take science into the NYC streets.

NYC: The Urban Ecosystem 2016
In our freshman seminar on New York City: The Urban Ecosystem, students travel all over the city to investigate science in the urban environment. Here are some of our photos from Fall 2016. Follow us on Instagram! @marymountecoseminar
April 26
Martha Madrid ’21, a major in Urban and Environmental Sustainability, will pursue a Master’s in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability at the University of Helsinki.
February 17
The Natural Sciences Class of 2020 boasts an impressive list of recent graduates, all having found success in an intensely competitive job market and in pursuing graduate studies, even in the midst of a global pandemic. Read some of their profiles below.
March 15
Madison Weisend ’20, a double-major in Environmental Studies and Politics & Human Rights, completed the Fall 2017 semester of her David L. Boren Scholarship at the American Institute for Indian Studies in Jaipur, where she engaged in intensive study of Hindi and sustainable development in India.
Madison Weisend ’20
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