Yu-Yin Cheng

Professor of History and International StudiesCoordinator, Asian Studies Minor
International Studies/History, Philosophy and Religious StudiesPhone
Yu-Yin Cheng is Professor of History and International Studies. Her specialization is in Chinese intellectual-activism, Chinese women’s history, and Christianity in late imperial China (1368-1910 CE). She teaches courses on Chinese and East Asian culture and history, East-West encounters, world history, and contemporary China. She is the author of A Chronological Biography of Lo Ju-fang (1515-1588), Poet, Philosopher, Activist [in Chinese] (1995), and co-editor of Under Confucian Eyes: Texts on Gender in Chinese History (2001, with Susan Mann). Her articles have appeared in the Journal of World History, Ming Qing Studies, Chinese Studies, and Ming Studies.
B.A., National Taiwan Normal University
M.A., University of California, Davis
Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Recent Work
Recent Publications:
“Christian Literati of the Lower Echelon in Late Ming China: The Case of Xiong Shiqi,” Ming Qing Studies, 2018, pp.91-122.
“Tang Xianzu’s (1550-1616) Peony Pavilion and Taizhou Philosophy: An Perspective from Intellectual History,” Ming Studies, 67.1 (May 2013), pp. 3-29.
“Changing Cosmology, Changing Perspectives on History and Politics: Christianity and Yang Tingyun’s (1562-1627) Reflections on China,” Journal of World History, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Sept. 2013), pp. 499-537.
“明代泰州學派的婦女觀─以四位泰州學者為例 (Temporal Changes of Gender Perceptions in Taizhou School─ The cases of four scholars,”In Proceedings of International Conference on Spiritual and Intellectual World from Late Ming to Early Qing (「明清之際的精神與思想世界」國際學術研討會), Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University (Beijing: Peking University, 2013), pp. 316-333.
Recent Presentations:
“晚明儒家講學與耶、回二教的宣教 (Confucian jiangxue and the Development of Christianity and Islam in the Late Ming), ” paper presented at the “2017 International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica ( [2017 中央研究院明清研究國際學術研討會]),” organized by Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, December 18-20, 2017.
“ 晚明下層士人天主教思想初探─以熊士旂為例 (Exploring Lower-Stratum Elite’s Christian Thought in Late Ming: The Case of Xiong Shiqi,” paper presented at the International Conference of “Revisiting Intellectual History during the Ming-Qing Transition Period,” organized by Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, June 23-25, 2016 [Invited Presentation].
“明代泰州學派的婦女觀─以四位泰州學者為例 (Temporal Changes of Gender Perceptions in Taizhou School─ The Cases of Four Scholars,” paper presented at “The International Conference on Spiritual and Intellectual World from Late Ming to Early Qing,” Songshan, Henan Province, China, August 23-August 26, 2013 [Invited Presentation].