A Message from President Walk: A Springtime of Challenge and Hope

Dear MMC Students, Faculty, and Staff,

This year’s Spring Break is unlike any other, as the world faces an unprecedented challenge—of combatting the swift and frightening spread of a virus that is not yet well understood and that continues to ravage communities around the world. All of us have been touched by the COVID-19 pandemic in some way, whether it’s by teaching, learning, and working remotely; staying indoors, practicing social distancing, or wearing masks; dealing with personal hardships, which can affect our well-being and sense of security and stability; or even grappling with the illness ourselves or of loved ones.

During this week, when many in our community are preparing for or taking part in springtime observances and rituals, I can’t help but reflect, here in New York, on the cruel dissonance between the vitality of spring—the flowers and trees have bloomed in a glorious display all over the city—and the grim reality of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having heard from so many of you over the last month, I’m continually struck by the fortitude and resilience that our college community has shown, and by the compassionate and innovative ways you have found to support each other during these difficult and uncertain times. I feel deeply grateful to be a part of this caring community, which continues to be cohesive, despite our physical separation and abrupt scattering across the country and around the globe. 

How the changes brought by COVID-19 will affect the future are yet to be seen, but I am confident that the College—and the world—will weather this storm, and that our community will continue in our passionate pursuit of our educational mission. A goal of an MMC education is to learn to address and overcome the great challenges facing our families and our local and global communities. I know that our collective determination, creativity, and compassion will lift us up in the weeks and months ahead.


Kerry Walk, Ph.D.

Published: April 07, 2020

MMCOnline: Issue #4 - Stay connected, even while we’re apart!

Stay connected, even while we’re apart! Check out Issue #4 of MMC’s biweekly newsletter. Read the full newsletter here for info on upcoming events, celebrating the Class of 2020, federal CARES Act funds for students, and more.
Issue #4 MMCOnline