International Studies Faculty Interview on Brazilian Buddhist Radio

Andreas Hernandez, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Studies, and Amit Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., Visiting Fellow of International Studies, spoke with and interviewed Lama Padma Samten on Ação Paramita.

Padma Samten is a Brazilian Buddhist lama (leader, teacher, and priest) whose work integrates Buddhism and mind training into various fields, including economy, education, psychology, and medicine. He resides in Viamão, a city in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 

“This was a powerful conversation following a powerful event” says Hernandez. “We had just finished ’108 Hours of Peace,’ which brings together activists, communities, and movements in a buddhist village to pursue social change in more profound ways.”

In their conversation, Lama Samten discussed the topics of compassion, community, and social change, as well as his extensive work in the intersection of economy and Buddhism. “This conversation brings out the deep meanings of compassion in social change, and how compassion is a collective undertaking.”

Listen to the full conversation here

Published: January 10, 2020


Andreas Hernandez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of International Studies