PHR and IS Seniors Present Final Research of Semester

Students in Dr. Erin O’Connor’s RESEARCH METHODS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES course presented their thesis work on Friday, December 14 as part of their final project.
Student Presentations

Darina Eid, America’s Collective Conscious and Culture of Violence

Yomira Taveras, Food and the School to Prison Pipeline

Charlie Gorovoy, Marriage in Contemporary Orthodox Judaism

Wenqi Huang, China’s Way Through Globalization

Allan Marcus, African American Executions, News Media, and Political Theory

Devan Zingler, The Gender-Neutral Incarcerated Body: Pregnant Inmates in the United States

Nolie Wagner, Body Politics among Cambodian Dances in the Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979

Valerie Reynoso, The Impact that the US Military Interventions had on Rural Communities in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico from the Late 19th Century to the Present, and the Effect that this had on Modern Taino People in these Regions.


About the Course:

Research Methods in the Social Sciences introduces students to the practice of social research - a broad set of theories, methods and ethics that the social sciences use to guide systematic and rigorous pursuit and production of knowledge about politics, society, and human rights. The course rests on the assumption that the collection and analysis of data about people is a craft that requires creativity, curiosity, and reflexivity. Students select a topic of empirical interest, review social and political theories that bear on the chosen topic, practice reading and interpreting social research findings, learn to analyze academic research articles in a literature review, and pose their own research question on the chosen topic. 

Published: December 20, 2018

PHR Professor’s Research on Equity During COVID-19 Published in ‘Urban Democracy Lab’

Marnie Brady, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Politics and Human Rights, recently published Private Equity is Coming: The Future of Housing Security in the Age of COVID-19, one in a series of research papers published in collaboration with NYU’s Urban Democracy Lab.