Michael Heller Chu Talks UN Peacekeeping in South Sudan

Michael Heller Chu, United Nations Peacekeeper, spoke with students about the intricacies of international peace and security, his work in Darfur and in South Sudan, and his journey through college to his current work across the globe.

Heller Chu has been working on issues related to international peace and security for the past 15 years. While he has spent the majority of his career focused on the protection of civilians in the context of United Nations peacekeeping, Heller Chu also coordinated humanitarian assistance in Darfur during the height of the crisis, worked on conflict resolution programs in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, and worked on leadership programs in the Balkans. Heller Chu has just wrapped up two and a half years of work on South Sudan in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. As of November 1st, Michael will be heading the UN’s humanitarian office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he will be working with members of the Saudi-led coalition to ensure the safe implementation of humanitarian operations in Yemen.  
It was an honor to welcome Mr. Heller Chu for his fascinating talk on his work and journey, topics incredibly valued by our students on the precipice of their careers. Thank you for joining us, Michael!


Published: October 24, 2017