Special Message from the President: Hurricane Sandy

Dear Members of the MMC Community: 

I write to welcome you back to campus as the College re-opens today. Although many of us are able to pick up and return to our routines, we know that some members of our community and many others are still lacking heat or electricity and access to their homes. We keep in our thoughts and prayers those who lost loved ones or whose homes were destroyed or severely damaged. 

Please remember to be attentive to the needs of others as we resume our activities. Some may be grieving or sad; others may have frayed nerves. Support is available at the Counseling and Wellness Center on the 8th floor of the Main Building (212-774-0700). If you know of a student in need, please contact Carol Jackson (cjackson@mmm.edu or 212-774-0756). We have already provided temporary housing for students whose homes were damaged or destroyed, but there may be others who have needs about which we are not yet aware. If you know of a faculty or staff member in need, please contact Bree Bullingham (bbullingham@mmm.edu or 212-517-0532). 

Many may still have transportation problems: students or faculty may be late or unable to attend class and some staff may not be readily available or at their desks when you call. If faculty need to cancel a class, please use the tool available on the website. Students may check the College website to find out if any of their classes are cancelled. Let’s all be patient and offer support to one another when needed. 

Some of our students, including Resident Advisors, have been volunteering in these past days, trying to help those in need. The entire Residence Life staff worked tirelessly during the hurricane and its aftermath to ensure that our residential students were safe. The IT staff responded quickly to make sure we could maintain communication. The Facilities and Campus Safety staff were here each day, away from their families, to make sure that our buildings were unharmed; some stayed day and night for most of the week. To each individual, I offer my sincere thanks. I want to extend a special thanks to Pete Romain, who led the maintenance and security staff at both the main campus and the residence hall throughout last week. 

As I noted in my earlier message to the community, it is at times such as these that I so much appreciate belonging to the caring community that we have at MMC. I hope that, as we resume our daily activities, we continue to show each other the compassion and support that is a hallmark of our community. 


Judson R. Shaver
Marymount Manhattan College

Published: November 07, 2012

Math Department Holds The Eleventh Annual Pi-Day Contest

Every year, the Mathematics department holds a College-wide π-Day contest. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit an original sentence, paragraph, poem, or short story that uses the digits of π in order (π ≈ 3.1415926..).