Interview with Marymount Manhattan College’s Valedictorian Joe Hetterly

Graduating senior and Acting Major, Joe Hetterly, recently sat down with us to give us all a glimpse into his life, what it means to be Marymount Manhattan College’s valedictorian, and what his future holds. See the full interview here:

What made you decide to come to Marymount Manhattan College?

New York City is such an amazing place to learn and grow as a young adult. I always knew I wanted a future in NYC – so having access to internships, opportunities, and the overall culture/arts scene in NYC while at Marymount Manhattan College is unparalleled in that sense.

What initially attracted me to MMC was that it was a small liberal arts college. It is so nice to be in a learning environment where you know professors by name and have open access to mentors. Plus a liberal arts background opens you up to so many professional opportunities.

How would you describe your experience at Marymount Manhattan College?

I would describe it as a true time of growth and development. Your time in college is like an incubator, where you take so much in and determine who you want to be.  MMC has helped me find my voice, define myself, and overall be confident in who I am and what I decide to do with my life.

What’s the one thing people should know about you?

I am engaged and will be getting married this November. We are in the midst of wedding planning and enjoying every minute of it!

What is your advice for fellow classmates?

For incoming and even current students, I would say to them – SHOW UP! 99% of life happens to those who just make the decision to show up.

I would tell everyone to get involved at any level during your time at MMC. Whether that is interning, volunteering, or simply helping someone out with a project – make it a point to help others accomplish goals and make their lives or jobs easier. It comes back around, I promise.

Find mentors in your field who can impart knowledge on you. This was one of my best experiences and I urge everyone to find someone you can learn from in this capacity. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself married and celebrating my 10 year anniversary. I also hope to be working in the theatrical field in some way – actor, agent, or even teacher – I really just want to be involved and working to help shape the next generation of people interested in the craft I chose to study and pursue.

How does it feel to be valedictorian? What does it mean to you and what went into achieving this honor?

It is a very humbling experience. There are so many brilliant people here at MMC and it makes me so thankful and appreciative to those mentors who have supported and helped me get to this point in my life. I am very proud of myself for my accomplishments, but I really would not be here today without the efforts of others who have helped me succeed.

What do you most want to communicate to the class of 2015 at Commencement?

Being at a small school for 4 years, you really get to know people very well. You succeed and you see others succeed – you fail and see others fail, which makes us such a unique - a tight knit community that is constantly pulling for one another. Throughout the College, there is incredible passion and talent, and I hope everyone remembers after they have graduated,  that there is something so special about us because we have experienced MMC together. It is a passion that doesn’t exist anywhere else and we now have the skills to know how to make a difference in the world. 

Published: April 27, 2015

Math Department Holds The Eleventh Annual Pi-Day Contest

Every year, the Mathematics department holds a College-wide π-Day contest. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit an original sentence, paragraph, poem, or short story that uses the digits of π in order (π ≈ 3.1415926..).