Why Study Ballet?

    Do you love the clarity and precision of ballet? The Ballet Concentration provides a strong foundation in Euro-centric classical dance for dancers who are interested in pursuing a career in concert dance, musical theater, film and television. This foundation along with all the other technique requirements prepares dancers for a versatile career.

    Why Study Ballet at MMC?

    You will interrogate traditional and hierarchical underpinnings of the art form. You will integrate a broad range of principles and theories of ballet. The curriculum ensures that the teaching is culturally responsive to the needs of diverse dancers. Pointe and Masculinity in Ballet, for instance, serve all genders.

    Quality of movement as a platform for artistic expression is emphasized in the advanced levels, while special attention is paid to maintaining the integrity of technique throughout the curriculum.

    What You Will Learn

    • You will demonstrate an understanding of the anatomically sound practices and dynamic alignment needed for proper execution of the ballet technique.
    • You will be able to articulate technical principles both verbally and in written format with a clear understanding of the biomechanics of the body as well as having the ability to relate ballet technique and its application to other movement styles/techniques.
    • You will integrate (and interrogate) movement material with cognitive operations and movement intentions, including physical memory and sensory awareness, to refine and develop quality of movement as a platform for artistic expression.




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