Strategic Plan 2008–2013
2008 – 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN
Approved by the Board on May 6, 2008
Since its founding, Marymount Manhattan College has successfully adapted to the changing currents of American higher education and to the changing needs of students from New York City and the nation. While remaining true to its mission to “educate a socially and economically diverse population” of students distinguished by their “concern for, participation in and improvement of society,” the College has evolved from a Catholic two year women’s college founded in 1936 as the city branch of Marymount College in Tarrytown, NY, to a thriving, independent, co-educational four year liberal arts college that celebrates its distinctive urban location. Along the way, the College transformed itself from a challenging but safe harbor for bright, white, Catholic women who were the first in their families to attain college degrees, to a dynamic campus inspiring radical 60’s and 70’s feminists and anti-war activists, to a supportive launching pad for urban, socio-economically disadvantaged women and men of all religions, races and ethnicities, to the present day where the student body represents an amalgamation of all those past generations who have walked through its doors.
As the 21st century unfolds, Marymount Manhattan is once again examining the higher education landscape; it is looking at the demands of the present day and the ever-evolving challenges coming generations will face. Consistent with its past, the College stands poised for a new direction, one that will steer it through the emerging trends that are shaping the present and will shape the future. Foremost among these is the emergence of a new global consciousness; a realization of the interconnectedness of all peoples—of all cultures—across the world. As the economy becomes increasingly global, as balances of power shift, as developing nations gain influence, so the educational landscape too changes. As Marymount Manhattan lays out its trajectory for the next five years, it embraces the challenge of preparing students for fulfilling lives in this dynamic international and multicultural environment.
Marymount Manhattan College sees itself as prepared to embrace this new vision. It has the distinct advantage of being located in the heart of a world-class city, a city that the College has always considered its second campus but one that we can embrace in a more deliberate way. New York not only provides extraordinary cultural and social resources, but ones that embody “the best that is thought and said” by enlightened citizens from around the world—past and present. An international perspective inevitably frames the learning opportunities offered by New York City.
MMC also has the advantage of drawing upon its long tradition of offering a liberal and largely interdisciplinary education that cultivates nimble and creative thinkers who are grounded in real-life experiences. Recognizing the holistic nature of learning, the faculty early on brought such an approach to its students, offering interdisciplinary courses that often transformed their students’ world views. Further, theory has always been balanced by practice, from the live productions of our nationally recognized performing arts programs, to student/faculty research leading to conference presentations and publications in scholarly venues, to the wide spectrum of internships that bring liberal arts and science students into national and international arenas. And our students themselves —that blend of diverse first and now second and third generation college-goers, from New York City and across the region, the nation and the world, who possess the curiosity and confidence to tackle life and learning in a great metropolis—are uniquely receptive to new ways of exploring the world, as are their faculty—teachers and scholars cut from fabric similar to theirs. These strengths, combined with the exigencies and opportunities afforded by the 21st century, were the building blocks for the 2002-07 Strategic Plan and are now brought into full focus in the 2008-13 Plan.
The cornerstone of the 2008-13 Plan is that of preparing students for life and careers through an enriched and highly challenging learning and living experience that is intentionally international in focus, interdisciplinary in method, and experiential in practice. Referring to definitions presented by the American Council on Education, by “international” we mean “ presenting a subject in an international framework so that students are aware of the interrelatedness of all nations and the commonality of such problems as poverty and discrimination.” We define “interdisciplinary” as a course or program that “focuses on a theme, issue, historical period or culture and studies it from two or more disciplinary perspectives,” and “experiential” as “a process through which a learner constructs knowledge, skill and value from direct experiences.” To achieve these curricular and co-curricular goals, academic and student life are the twin foci of this 2008-13 Strategic Plan. The intention is to enrich them in ways that advance our vision and achieve our goal of preparing students for the complex challenges of this 21st century.
The 2008-13 Plan identifies six overall goals, embraced by every area of the College, for enriching our learning and living experience. First, consistent with the prior plan, we commit to raising the level of academic challenge while broadening the international, interdisciplinary and experiential components of our curriculum through faculty/staff development programs, through co-opting the resources of New York City, and through a recruitment and hiring process that leads to a critical mass of outstanding full-time and part-time faculty, staff and administrators whose backgrounds and expertise reflect the diversity of our students, our city and our world. Second, we commit to creating a vibrant student life experience that takes full advantage of the city as our campus while also offering exciting on-campus activities, that closely integrates curricular and co-curricular life, that is built on faculty and staff participation, that encourages experiential opportunities and study abroad and that deepens students’ respect for and appreciation of a multicultural community. Third, we commit to providing every first-year student with a rigorous and comprehensive curricular and co-curricular program that enables each to grow into a confident learner, active participant in a close knit community of students and scholar/teachers, and skillful negotiator of the pleasures and perplexities of living in one of the world’s greatest cities. Fourth, we commit to creating a learning and working environment that sustains faculty/staff/student interaction and supports faculty and staff teaching and scholarship by actively addressing the teaching/workload demands and the limitations imposed by our present physical space. Fifth, we commit to creating a community genuinely united by our common vision and aspirations, by our mutual respect for one another and by the community’s participation at every level in shaping the life of the College. Finally, we commit to giving priority to each of the strategic goals in the budget process, to reallocating funds and to raising additional funds through the comprehensive campaign, through increased revenues from retention, and to seeking new streams of revenue to support our efforts.
The coming five years will witness Marymount Manhattan College’s growing reputation as a strong New York liberal arts college with a world-wide vista, sending out graduates with the confidence and experience to meet the unparalleled challenges of their generation and those to come.
*(ACE: American Council on Education, A Handbook for Advancing Comprehensive Internationalization.)
Design a curriculum and a co-curriculum that are both rigorous and innovative, that build on the College’s liberal arts and interdisciplinary traditions and current practices, that maximize the potential of the College’s premier location in New York City, and that ensure the College’s commitment to preparing students for life and careers in an increasingly complex, international world.
Objective One: Assess student and faculty perceptions of the richness and rigor of the curriculum in order to arrive at a common understanding of what constitutes a challenging learning experience.
- During Fall 2008, review the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) data, student course evaluations, grade distributions, departmental self studies and other data to determine student and faculty assessment of the academic rigor of the curriculum. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, hold focus groups with students and faculty to better understand their expectations and how they can be met. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2009, hold town halls to discuss assessment findings. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, develop a plan and timeline for enriching the curriculum, including such considerations as:
- level of challenge for first year students and assessment of goal
- coordination of the curriculum with the co-curriculum so that they enhance one another
- design of an honors program and/or honors experiences
- attention to international, interdisciplinary, experiential components of the curriculum and co-curriculum. (sp09-f09)
Objective Two: In conjunction with the curriculum review and in keeping with the College’s mission to develop socially responsible citizens, assess the number and quality of existing programs, courses, and activities at the College that are international, interdisciplinary, and/or experiential in scope and determine appropriate goals for increasing these.
- During Fall 2008, identify key person(s) who will guide and coordinate curricular and co-curricular review and revisions, e.g. faculty and/or staff from academic and student affairs. (f08-ongoing)
- During Spring 2009, determine measurable criteria for programs, courses and activities identified as having one or more of these components. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2009, identify student learning outcomes and assessment procedures for courses, programs, activities meeting one or more of these criteria, and integrate these procedures into current outcomes assessment practices. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, create an inventory of existing programs, courses and activities that fulfill one or more of these criteria. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, establish immediate and long-range goals by departments/divisions for that portion of the curriculum that would meet these criteria in order to provide students with an international, interdisciplinary and experiential learning perspective. Include consideration of expanded foreign language study at the College. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, establish goals for student life offerings that are rooted in New York City and/or in international experiences. (f09-sp10)
- During Spring 2010, begin or continue incremental additions to the curriculum and co-curriculum of courses/programs/activities that are international, interdisciplinary and experiential. (sp10-ongoing)
Objective Three: Provide full-time and part-time faculty and staff development programs for course and co-curricular design and assessment of academically challenging, international, interdisciplinary and/or experiential courses/programs/activities.
- During Spring 2009, identify at least two funding opportunities annually for curricular and co-curricular grants for this initiative. (sp09-ongoing)
- During Spring 2009, identify other colleagues, departments, programs, colleges and universities engaged in similar initiatives and collaborate, as appropriate, in curricular, co-curricular, faculty/staff development. (f09-sp10)
- During Spring 2009, affiliate with the American Council on Education (ACE), the Institute for International Education (IIE), and other appropriate organizations for assistance in program development and funding. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2009, offer first faculty/staff development opportunities for “early supporters” of this initiative, especially faculty/staff teaching first year students. (f09-ongoing)
Objective Four: Incorporate the international, interdisciplinary, and experiential curricular and co-curricular goals into a challenging General Education Program.
- During Fall 2008, continue, if necessary, the General Education review currently underway either by the same or a newly elected faculty-led committee. (f08-sp09)
- By Spring 2009, make a final recommendation to the Faculty Council, administration and President for a General Education Program that incorporates the curricular goals.
- During Fall 2009, publicize the goals of the General Education Program to the larger community, including them in all recruitment materials. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, establish an outcomes assessment protocol for the General Education curriculum, with results to be assessed by Fall 2011. (f09-f10)
- By Fall 2009, begin incremental implementation of the General Education Program.
- By Fall 2011, begin annual assessments of the General Education Program to determine how effectively it is achieving its goals (to be incorporated into the Middle States Self-Study scheduled for 2011-12; hereafter referred to as MSSS).
Objective Five: Incorporate the international, interdisciplinary, and experiential curricular and co-curricular goals into a challenging First Year Experience (FYE) curriculum. (See also Goal 3, Objective 3)
- During Spring 2009, the General Education and FYE teams collaborate to develop challenging and rigorous first year courses and activities that incorporate international, interdisciplinary and experiential elements and use NYC resources. A model for such a program might be the environmental studies initiative undertaken by both academic and student affairs for the 08-09 academic year. (sp09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, offer workshops in curricular development and pedagogy for FYE faculty and staff. (f09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2009, offer FYE courses/activities that incorporate the curricular goals of the plan. (f09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2011, begin annual assessments of the extent to which the FYE has met its goals. (f11-ongoing; MSSS)
Objective Six: Expand faculty/staff/students’ international perspectives and experiential learning through study abroad, participation in international projects on and off campus, exchange programs and service learning/community partnership programs at home and abroad.
- During Spring 2009, create strong relationships with potential study abroad sites that are affordable, desirable and that meet the College’s academic standards. (sp09-sp12)
- During Summer 2009, develop financial aid policies and procedures that facilitate student study abroad. (su09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, increase the opportunities for faculty/staff to participate in faculty/staff exchanges/visiting professorships, etc. abroad. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, increase international service-learning/community partnership programs and cultural experiences for faculty/staff/students during semester breaks and summer. (f09-ongoing)
- By Spring 2010, secure MMC’s affiliation with one or two host institutions as official “MMC Study Abroad Programs.” (sp10-sp11)
Objective Seven: Provide additional resources to one or more existing or new majors/programs in a position to grow, to advance these curricular and co-curricular goals, and to achieve national recognition.
- During Spring, 2009, develop criteria for support of new and/or revised programs requesting additional resources. (f09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, request curricular proposals from departments/divisions/areas for new and/or revised programs/activities. (f09-ongoing)
- By Spring 2010, recommend initial program(s) to receive additional resources. (sp10-ongoing)
Objective Eight: Increase the integration of technology into the curriculum and co-curriculum in order to ensure that all students have the skills necessary to function successfully in the 21st century.
- By Spring 2009, strengthen the Faculty Technology Committee whose role is to guide decisions regarding academic resources and training (f09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, identify a member of the Information Technology staff who will serve on the Faculty Technology Committee and who will assist faculty in maximizing their use of technology.
- By Fall 2009, include in the faculty development program strategies for strengthening the use of technology in teaching and learning. (See also Goal 1, obj. 3 and Goal 5, Obj. 3) (f09-f10)
- During Fall 2009, design a plan and timeline for developing more technologically-advanced teaching spaces. (f09-sp10)
- During Spring 2010, begin incremental renovations and equipping of teaching spaces. (sp10-sp12)
- By Spring 2011, collect data on the enhanced use of technology for teaching using 2009 as a base-line and make modifications to program/plan. (MSSS) (sp11-sp12)
Objective Nine: Recruit, retain, and support full-time and part-time faculty, staff, and administrators who are exceptional teachers and scholars and reflect the diverse and international nature of New York City and the world.
- During Fall 2008, analyze data regarding faculty/staff/administration diversity, determine areas of strengths and weaknesses, and establish three to five-year goals for diversity within each group. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, review and revise as necessary hiring policies and procedures that ensure the continued hiring of highly qualified faculty and staff and that maximize access to a sufficiently diverse pool of candidates for every position. (sp09-sp10)
- During Spring 2010, provide seminars/workshops for all constituencies of the College to enhance communication and understanding of cultural differences among people of diverse backgrounds. (See Goal 2, Obj. 5). (sp10-ongoing)
- By Fall 2010, have enhanced retention strategies, including mentoring opportunities, for all new faculty/staff/administrators. (f10-ongoing)
- During Fall 2011, assess and as necessary adjust hiring and retention policies to ensure that the goals for a diverse faculty, staff and administration have been met. (MSSS) (f11-f12)
Objective Ten: Increase the recruitment, retention and support of students who reflect the diverse and international nature of New York City and the world.
- By Fall 2008, determine recruitment targets for economically-disadvantaged students and international students. (su08-f08)
- During Fall 2008, strengthen the strategies for recruiting a more racially, ethnically, economically, socially diverse and international student body. (f08-f09)
- By Fall 2009, as a result of the comprehensive campaign, have additional financial aid to support economically-disadvantaged students. (f09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, have a comprehensive student life plan for supporting and encouraging students of various racial, ethnic, economic and geographic backgrounds, including special accommodations for international students and others for whom English is not their first language. (f09-f10)(See Goal 2)
- During Fall 2009, study student employment opportunities at the College and in the community, outside of federal work-study, to increase financial assistance for disadvantaged students. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2011, assess the extent to which recruitment and retention goals for a diverse student body have been met and adjust policies and practices as needed. (MSSS)
Objective Eleven: Strengthen and support opportunities, both through academic departments and the Career Development and Internships Office (CDI), for students to have internships, and to explore career options and graduate study.
- During Spring 2009, develop a plan for strengthening the collaboration between CDI and Academic Departments/Divisions. (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2009, identify a department and/or division person from the faculty who will serve as a contact for information about internships and career opportunities.
- By Fall 2009, identify a department/division person from the faculty who will serve as a contact for scholarship and graduate study opportunities.
- During Fall 2009, reconstitute the Committee on Graduate Fellowships, charging them with the task of disseminating information to students about graduate and professional school educational opportunities and means of funding post-baccalaureate education. (f09-f10)
- During Fall 2009, conduct a survey to identify student expectations for the CDI and establish clear goals for meeting these. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, increase the outreach of the Center for Academic Advancement (CAA) so that it can better serve students preparing for graduate study, e.g., LSAT, GRE, GMAT test preparation sessions.
- By Fall 2009, increase the outreach of the CDI Office so that most if not all students take advantage of it as needed. (f09-f10)
- By Spring 2010, increase the outreach of the CDI Office so that the College is better known in the business community and that more career opportunities and internships are available to our students. (sp10-ongoing)
- By Fall 2010, assess the extent to which the CDI has met its goals and make modifications, if necessary, to succeed. (f10-f11)
Objective Twelve: Strengthen student learning outcomes assessments to ensure that students graduate from MMC with the knowledge, skills and competencies they need to be productive citizens and leaders of the 21st century.
- During Fall 2008, continue to offer workshops on incorporating objectives and learning goals into the General Education Program, major programs, and the co-curriculum. (f08-ongoing) (see also Goal 1, obj. 4, In. 4,5)
- During Spring 2009, create a plan and timeline for increasing the numbers of courses, programs, activities to be assessed for student learning outcomes as well as methods for doing so. (sp09-f10)
- During Spring 2009, review and refine the periodic program review process, and continue the cycle. (sp09-f10)
- During Spring 2011, conduct a review of the various majors, disciplines, course syllabi and co-curricular offerings to determine the extent to which they integrate the learning goals identified in the plan and by the faculty and staff. (sp11-f11; MSSS)
- During Fall 2011, implement assessment procedures to determine the extent to which student learning has benefitted from the new curricular and co-curricular goals and integrate into current outcomes assessment practices. (Baseline data would include grades, course evaluations, student research, NSSE and other earlier student surveys.) (f11-ongoing MSSS)
- During Spring 2012, continue curriculum and co-curriculum revisions based on the results of the outcomes assessment. (sp12-ongoing)
Create a Student Life program that builds leadership and community among students by fostering connections between and among students, alumni, full-time and part-time faculty and staff, that integrates the co-curriculum and the curriculum, that advances the international, interdisciplinary, and experiential goals of the learning experience and that takes full advantage of New York City and its resources.
Objective One: Conduct an assessment of the staffing and resource needs for the Student Affairs area in order to fulfill the goals of the Strategic Plan.
- During Fall 2008, design a three to five year Student Affairs Plan that addresses the goals of the Strategic Plan. Include in the plan:
- measurable goals and timeline for enhancing the quality and/or quantity of student life programs and activities.
- the number of staff and a timeline for adding them.
- resources required, including facilities and finances
Objective Two: Design a student life program that closely integrates curricular and co-curricular activities.
- During Fall 2008, gather baseline data to determine first-year student expectations for the connections that should exist among students, faculty and staff. Assess the actual experiences of upper class students, using NSSE data to frame the study. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, collaborate with the FYE team in designing the first year curriculum and co-curriculum. (sp09-sp10)
- During Spring 2009, collaborate with the FYE team to create models for developing student learning communities for first year students with linked courses and activities. Include scheduling, staffing and budgeting considerations. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2009, offer first set of linked courses/activities for first-year students. To the extent possible, combine commuter with residential students. (f09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, create thematic residence life assignments, in consultation with students and faculty from relevant areas. These “thematic” floors will also provide opportunity for commuter students to attend activities in the residences. (e.g., International Studies, French floor, Gender Studies floor, Leadership, Peace). (f09—f10)
- During Fall 2009, build more participation from academic departments in co-curricular programming. (f09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2009, have approval for Student Affairs liaisons to various standing faculty committees as well as specific ad hoc committees, e.g., General Education.
- During Fall 2009, create a process whereby EMSA staff collaborates with faculty in developing and overseeing internships. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, create a process whereby EMSA staff collaborate with faculty in developing a desired number of career-oriented fairs and other events for students. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, create a process whereby Student Affairs staff collaborate with Academic Affairs staff, faculty and students in developing and supporting local and international service-learning/community partnership projects, study abroad and cultural exchanges during semester breaks and the summer. (cf. Goal 1, Obj 6, In 4) (f09-sp10)
Objective Three: Ensure that the College controls enough mid-term (8 to 20 years) and/or long-term (20 to 40 years) accessible, attractive and affordable student housing to satisfy the needs of a growing number of students and parents who link an undergraduate education with a residential experience.
- By Fall 2008, acquire and furnish mid-term student housing to enable the College to relocate students from the 47th Street Vanderbilt facility.
- During Spring 2009, produce a five to ten year analysis and projection of the College’s student housing needs. (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2009, acquire and furnish mid-term student housing to enable the College to relocate students from the 92nd Street DeHirsch facility.
- By Fall 2009, using long-term housing projections, evaluate and resolve in terms of finance, size and location, the feasibility of the College expanding its long-term residence facility through new construction/acquisition and renovation or by continuing to pursue mid–term solutions.
- By Fall 2009 decide upon the viability of long-term capital lease for potential 74th Street residence hall for 2012 occupancy.
- During Spring 2010, pursue long-term or mid-term student housing goals approved by President and Board. (sp10-f10)
- By Fall 2010 and through 2013, acquire and furnish mid-term student housing to enable the College to address student-housing overflow. (f10-sp13)
- By Spring 2013, begin construction or renovation of long-term facility or finalization of series of mid-term plans.
Objective Four: Make New York City and its resources a cornerstone of student life programming, taking special advantage of the international experiences afforded by NYC’s institutions.
- By Fall, 2008, provide all students, faculty and staff with a directory of all NYC cultural and social institutions offering free or low cost programs, and incorporate these into the student life plan.
- During Spring 2009, build into academic and student life, especially FYE and General Education courses, increased access to international venues available in NY, e.g. the UN, the China Institute, international embassies and delegations, etc. (sp 09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, structure funding for NYC excursions/academic learning outside the classrooms, e.g. attach fee at the course section level when appropriate and provide alternate fee strategy for need-based students.
- During Fall 2009, create a speakers’ bureau of MMC faculty, staff and students for presentations on and off-campus (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, increase the number of NYC-based speakers invited to College clubs, programs, meetings. (f09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, create a program for students to lead other students on local excursions to the city’s social and cultural venues. (f09-sp10)
- By Fall 2010, develop reciprocal programs with at least two NYC institutions, including its colleges and universities, to give our students greater access to the facilities and resources available through these institutions . (f10-ongoing)
- By Spring 2010, create an effective system to communicate to the College the opportunities afforded by the above initiatives. (sp10-f10)
Objective Five: Build community and school spirit among full-time and part-time students, faculty, staff and alumni of diverse backgrounds and perspectives through activities that encourage collaboration and communication.
- By Summer 2008, purposefully weave MMC’s mission, traditions and history into the fabric of the College’s programs and activities to provide students with a sense of the College’s history. Engage the alumni in communicating the College’s past and shaping its present and future. (su08-sp09)
- During Summer 2008, work with the orientation and FYE teams to strengthen on- and off-campus activities that purposefully unite residential and commuter students, students with different majors, geographically diverse students, etc. Special attention should be given to students in small majors and commuter students. (sum08-ongoing)
- By Fall 2008, continue to offer special orientation activities for transfer and part-time students who will participate, to varying degrees, in the First Year Experience.
- By Fall 2008, administer the survey prepared by the Council on Emotional Wellness and Personal Fulfillment (CEWPF) (a collaborative group comprised of staff from Student Life and Academic Affairs offices) to clarify key factors that lead to students’ identification with and coherence to the community.
- During Fall 2008, analyze CEWPF survey results and study activities undertaken by other institutions. (f08-sp09)
- During Fall 2008, design intervention strategies based on the survey’s findings for strengthening the MMC community. (f08-f09)
- During Fall 2008, create “class projects” that unite first year students (and, in time, upper classes) and deepen their identity with the College e.g. newsletter, a collaborative mural, the President’s Climate Initiative, etc. (f08-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, increase the number of workshops and programs, in the residences and on campus, that promote dialogue, understanding and respect for people of different backgrounds, whether racial, ethnic, socio-economic, sexual orientation, etc. Consider creating an Office for Multicultural Affairs. (f09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, implement a plan for increasing commuter students’ identification with the College, including their participation in linked learning communities, activities in “themed” residence halls, etc. Consider creating an Office for Commuter Affairs. (f09-f10)
- During Fall 2009, develop a plan for increasing inter- and intramural sports programs that are appropriate for our campus, e.g. cross-country track. (f09-sp10).
- By Fall 2009, create other competitive inter- and intramural activities, such as chess and debate clubs, that bring students, faculty and staff together. (f09-fa11)
- By Spring 2010, provide access to physical fitness facilities at no additional cost to students.
- By Fall 2010, create a section of the MMC internal website where students may meet each other and interact prior to their arrival on campus. (see Goal 3, Obj 9 and Goal 5, Obj 3)
Objective Six: Strengthen student leadership on campus by creating new programs/activities and offering students more leadership opportunities.
- By Spring 2009, establish goals for enhancing and expanding the student leadership program, including the number of students the program aims to serve and staffing and resource requirements.
- By Fall 2009, expand scholarship opportunities and other incentives for promising student leaders, including study abroad opportunities. (f09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, provide leadership opportunities to students that include academic as well as student life experiences, e.g. co-leading a field trip, co-teaching a class, leading a class project. (f09-ongoing)
- During Spring 2010, increase and/or strengthen relationships with community organizations, especially those representing international interests, so that students who wish to take a leadership role in such activities may do so. (sp10-ongoing)
- During Fall 2011, assess the extent to which the Program has met its qualitative as well as quantitative goals and revise as necessary. (MSSS) (f11-sp12)
Objective Seven: Develop assessment procedures for determining the extent to which staff/students have achieved the goals of the Student Life Plan.
- During Spring 2009, create a clear set of outcomes for each major initiative of the Plan, e.g. international perspectives, experiential learning, community building, leadership, etc. (sp09-f09)
- During Spring 2009, in collaboration with the Assessment Committee and the CEWPF, develop procedures for judging student development and satisfaction, e.g. surveys, focus groups (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2009, build Colleague functionality to support the introduction of a co-curricular transcript that records students’ co-curricular experiences as part of their college record.
- By Spring 2010, implement the co-curricular transcript.
- By Fall 2011, evaluate the success of the Plan and adjust it accordingly. (MSSS)
Develop a challenging curriculum-driven First Year Experience (FYE) that provides an international, integrated, experiential curriculum and co-curriculum grounded in the opportunities and resources provided by the College, its liberal arts mission, and its New York City location.
Objective One: Create an Office of First Year Experience that reports jointly to both the VP for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for both the curricular and student life aspects of the FYE, as well as facilitating smooth integration of both components.
- During Fall 2008, develop an integrated FYE team, comprised of faculty, staff and students, responsible for the design and implementation of the FYE Program. (f08-sp09)
- During Fall 2008, develop a job description requiring a strong academic and student life background for the position of Director of FYE. (f08-sp09)
- By Spring 2009, appoint a Director of FYE and identify necessary resources, including budget and facilities. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, create necessary linkages with other college departments, via effective collaborative means, and begin publicizing internal and external communication links with the new office. (sp09-ongoing)
Objective Two: Evaluate current First Year Experience against other national models for best practices.
- During Fall 2008, identify and evaluate best programs in field including those that successfully integrate transfer and part-time students into aspects of the FYE. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, conduct site visits of successful programs and attend conferences/workshops. (sp09-f09)
- During Spring 2009, identify key academic and student life elements of MMC’s FYE and begin program design. (sp09-f09)
Objective Three: Create a comprehensive and integrated First Year Experience Program, nested within the context of a revised General Education curriculum.
- By Fall 2008, create an appropriate name for the FYE Program.
- During Fall 2008, work with General Education Committee, Faculty Council and Curriculum Committee to determine first-year general education requirements and learning objectives. (f08-f09) (See also Goal 1, Obj 4)
- By Spring 2009, design and implement expanded peer mentoring program, including special peer mentor/student events, activities and rewards. (f08-sp09)
- By Spring 2009, create a pre-college reading and/or multi-media assignment related to first year studies for class entering fall 2009. (see Goal 3, Obj 6)
- During Spring 2009, identify existing courses and develop first-year courses, including a possible FYE Seminar, that offer international, interdisciplinary and experiential components, especially incorporating the resources of NYC. (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2009, implement deliberate First Year Learning Communities, whereby small student groups share a common set of course experiences. (see Goal 2, Obj 2)
- By Fall 2009, provide workshops and resources for FYE faculty, staff and mentors with special emphasis on pedagogy for first year students. (See Goal 1, Obj 5) (f09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2009, implement the FYE Program.
- During Fall 2009, incorporate technology training into first-year academic and student life programs so that students are able to access and disseminate information and meet academic demands efficiently. (f09-f10)
- By Spring 2010, provide opportunities for honors-level work associated with first year courses as first stage of possible Honors Program.
- By Spring 2010, continue the annual assessments of student learning outcomes of First Year Writing and use results for further modifications (assessment of writing program has been ongoing).
- By Fall 2011, and each year thereafter, conduct assessments of the effectiveness of all aspects of the First Year Experience using NSSE data as a baseline. (MSSS)
Objective Four: Develop a desired level of key co-curricular elements of MMC’s First Year Experience.
- During Fall 2008, determine the nature and number of co-curricular activities appropriate for the FYE and a timeline for implementing these. (f08-f09)
- By Fall 2008, hold at least one major social event (such as current “One Thousand Nights”) each semester, along with other community-building out-of-class events, that unite all first year students.
- During Spring 2009, enhance the quality and number of student life programs that provide extensive orientation to NYC and its cultural resources (both bringing students into the city, and bringing NYC into the campus). (sp09-fa09)
- During Spring 2009, enhance the quality and number of activities that complement content and objectives of course work, e.g. attending plays, movies, concerts, etc. (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2009, where possible, create linked courses and student life activities to further integrate curriculum and co-curriculum. (See Goal 2, Obj 2)
- During Spring 2009, solicit faculty participation and expand programs in residences that create a sense of community among all students. (sp09-f09)
- During Spring 2009, develop special programs/events for students not residing on campus that better integrate them into the life of the college. (sp09-ongoing)
- During Spring 2009, develop a plan to better serve part-time students, including modified evening office hours, services, activities. (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2009, enhance residential life for First Year students through linked courses/activities, thematic floors, etc. (See Goal 2, Obj. 3)
Objective Five: Apply enrollment management practices to create a first year class that reflects the diverse and international nature of the world and is most likely to benefit from the mission of the College and the FYE program. (See also Goal 1, Obj. 10)
- By Fall 2008, have a clear plan for achieving the enrollment and retention goals identified in the 5-year financial plan. (See Goal 6, Obj 2)
- By Fall 2008, review the admission procedures to ensure that admitted students are a good match for the College and its programs, e.g. appropriate majors, urban experience, etc.
- During Fall 2008, strengthen the recruitment and pool of economically disadvantaged populations who would benefit from an MMC education. (f08-ongoing)
- By Spring 2009, as a result of the Comprehensive Campaign, have additional financial aid to support economically-disadvantaged students (ongoing).
- During Spring 2009, revise admissions material to highlight financial aid available to students. (sp09-f09)
- During Spring 2009, revise admissions materials to promote and emphasize benefits of FYE. (sp09-f09)
- During Spring 2009, enhance the quality of recruitment material that profiles many of our faculty and staff, highlighting the value they bring to the educational experience. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2011, assess the extent to which recruitment and retention goals of student have been met and adjust policies and practices as needed. (MSSS)
Objective Six: Strengthen pre-college programs for entering first year students.
- By Summer 2009, enhance the quality of Jump Start, especially for incoming students likely to experience academic and/or adjustment difficulties. (sp09-sum09)
- By Fall 2009, require common summer reading/multi-media assignments that link the curriculum and co-curriculum.
- By Fall 2010, create a section of the MMC internal website dedicated to establishing a more vibrant virtual community among incoming students and between incoming and current students, faculty and staff. (see Goal 2, Obj 5 and Goal 5, Obj 3).
- By Fall 2010, offer “outward bound-type” week/end bonding experience for incoming students prior to opening of school.
- During Fall 2011, assess the effectiveness of the pre-college program using baseline data of student performance and retention gathered annually and modify accordingly. (MSSS) (f11-f12)
Objective Seven: Strengthen academic advisement for first year students.
- By Fall 2008, promote first year advisement programs/processes at events such as open houses and admitted student reception.
- By Fall 2008, assign staff mentors who will make initial contact with students prior to the opening of school.
- By Fall 2008, departments assign students to faculty advisors by orientation, if possible, or by the first day of classes, and initiate student/advisor contact during Orientation or during the first two weeks of classes, if possible.
- By Fall 2008, improve methods for identification of students who might experience academic or adjustment difficulties, through additional surveys, analysis, interviews, etc.
- During Fall 2008, enhance the quality and number of interventions designed specifically for students identified as potentially having academic or adjustment difficulties. (f08-sp09)
- By Fall 2009, increase monitoring of students’ academic progress by implementing a mid-semester assessment practice for all first year students.
- During Fall 2009, assess and strengthen, as needed, the CAA to meet first year student needs. (F09-f10)
Objective Eight: Design and implement a liberal studies-based program for first year undecided students that immerses students in the liberal arts mission of the College.
- By Fall 2008, identify incoming undecided students prior to their arrival on campus.
- During Spring 2009, create activities and career workshops for undecided students, including a liberal studies-based program with room for electives in areas of students’ choice. (sp09-f10)
- During Spring 2009, create partnerships and smooth collaboration between selected first year faculty advisors and advisement staff in advising and mentoring undecided students. (so09-f10)
- During Spring 2009, evaluate and, if appropriate, implement a General Education curriculum track for undecided students. (sp09-sp10)
Objective Nine: Strengthen residential learning and a sense of community among first year students.
- By Fall 2008, house all first year residential students in the 55th Street residence with the intention of maintaining them in a single residence as future housing plans evolve.
- See Goal 2, Objective 3 for range of first year residential experiences and responsible persons, costs, etc.
Objective Ten: Develop a desired number of curricular links and high-quality activities within the majors and General Education that prepare students for transition to second year and beyond.
- During Spring 2009, increase promotion of internships and other experiential opportunities for rising sophomores. (sp09-f10)
- During Spring 2009, review articulation of first and second year courses in majors and in GE to facilitate successful transition to second year. Thereafter, incorporate into regular Program Review and Outcomes Assessment practices.
- During Spring 2009, establish mentoring/counseling sessions designed to better prepare students for second year and beyond. (sp09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2009, expandpeer mentoring relationship into second year.
- By Fall 2009, assign a liaison from first year program to second year students, who will continue to provide guidance, and measure success by rise in retention of first-year to second-year students.
- During Fall 2009, assess the level of support given to upper class and transfer students, including a possible Senior Seminar for all majors. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, investigate and, if appropriate, implement by fall 2010 a variable credit Senior Year Experience (SYE) to ensure a smoother transition for graduating students. (f09-sp10)
Objective Eleven: Strengthen the quality, availability, and accessibility of emotional and physical health and wellness components of first year program.
- During Fall 2008, assess staffing and resources needed to strengthen health and wellness programs in CAPS and in the Office of Health and Wellness Services, and create a timeline for incremental increases. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, begin incremental additions to staff and resources identified as necessary to strengthen health and wellness programs. (sp09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, incorporate emotional and physical health and wellness issues as part of First Year Experience. (f09-f10)
- During Fall 2009, facilitate CAPS intervention in problems related to transitioning to college, homesickness, coping with stress, procrastination, depression, alcohol and drug use, roommate problems, eating disorders, etc. (f09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2009, increase the quality and number of workshops on common anxieties and ambivalences regarding college choice, major choice, academic performance, social concerns, post-MMC plans.
- During Spring 2010, create additional preventative programming promoting emotional and physical wellness on campus (yoga, Health at Every Size, meditation, managing your moods, relationship enhancement, self-care, time-management, etc.) (sp10-f10)
- By Spring 2010, increase publications and other dissemination of emotional and physical health and wellness information to all students.
Objective Twelve: Strengthen career advisement for first year students. (See Goal I, Objective 11.)
- During Fall 2008, better integrate career/graduate school exploration in FYE by offering at least one in-class workshop per semester. (f08-ongoing)
- By Fall 2008, host at least two general workshops each semester delineating preparation for various careers and possible courses of study. (f08-ongoing)
- By Fall 2008, administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Inventory assessments to all first year students annually. (f08-ongoing)
- By Fall 2008, hold at least two workshops each semester discussing value of internships and other opportunities for professional exposure. (f08-ongoing)
- During Spring 2009 and each year thereafter, survey students for their level of satisfaction with career advisement during their first year and make adjustments to the program as indicated. (sp09-ongoing)
Strengthen student/staff/faculty relationships, student learning, faculty scholarship and curriculum development, recruitment and retention of faculty and staff by providing staff and faculty with the time, space and support to do scholarly work and to mentor, advise, collaborate with and challenge students to achieve their utmost potential.
Objective One: Reduce the faculty teaching load to 21 credits so that major curricular revisions, new program development, faculty and faculty/student research and student advising/mentoring can be sustained at the highest level.
- During Fall 2008, survey peer institutions regarding teaching load, workload, scholarship demands, and costs. (f08-sp09)
- During Fall 2008, determine impact of reduction in teaching load to 21 credits on costs, course offerings, full-time/part-time faculty ratio, space implications, class size, student load, etc. (f08-sp09)
- During Fall 2008, in conjunction with the appropriate committees of the Faculty Council and other appropriate offices, create models that efficiently handle cost, curricular adjustments, etc. associated with teaching 21 credits. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, design a plan to reallocate faculty teaching load in order to allow faculty more resources to strengthen student learning, retention and satisfaction, to engage in scholarship, and to meet the goals of the Strategic Plan. Include in this plan methods for assessing student learning outcomes and faculty outcomes. (sp09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, implement (incrementally, if necessary) a plan to reduce teaching load to 21 credits. (f09-sp10)
- During Fall 2011, assess the reallocation of faculty time for student learning and faculty effectiveness and desired outcomes. (f11-sp12)
- By Spring 2012, if the reduction to 21 credits has had a positive assessment, conduct studies similar to those done in 2008-9 to determine the desirability and feasibility of further reduction of teaching load to 18 credits. Include in these, models for handling cost, curricular adjustments, space needs, etc.
- By Spring 2013, make a recommendation regarding further reduction of faculty teaching load.
Objective Two: Recruit, support and retain full-time faculty so that the overall average of classes taught by full-time faculty remains at a minimum of 60%, with the goal of 70% if feasible by 2013.
- During Fall 2008, establish criteria and guidelines for appointment of endowed chairs, which will release funds for new faculty lines. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009, appoint initial faculty endowed chair(s) as directed by the guidelines. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2009, develop and begin implementation of a three year plan to add full-time faculty to departments/divisions based on:
- need
- potential to fulfill curricular goals of the strategic plan
- potential to grow nationally recognized program (See Goal 1, Obj 7)
- potential to increase the racial/ethnic diversity of the faculty (See Goal 1, Obj 9)
- By Fall 2009, strengthen existing institutional fellowship and grant programs to provide the resources and time faculty need for scholarship and curriculum development in addition to enhancing opportunities for faculty-student collaboration. (f09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, develop and implement a plan to strengthen and support peer mentoring of full- and part-time faculty. (f09-sp10)
- By Fall 2010, develop a plan to retain a strong and diverse faculty by maintaining competitive faculty salaries at all levels, entailing a review of the AAUP benchmarks for IIB colleges. (See Goal 1, Objective 9) (f10-ongoing)
- By Fall 2010, assess the ratio of full time to part-time faculty to ensure that the minimum 60% full time is maintained.
- Continue to hire outstanding part-time faculty who reflect the resources of New York City and enhance the College coursework with their expertise.
Objective Three: Review, revise and/or establish human resources policies and procedures that establish appropriate staffing levels for each unit and that facilitate the selection, training, evaluation, promotion, retention and compensation of highly qualified and diverse administrative and support staff, and provide opportunities for career advancement.
- During Spring 2009, begin to evaluate staffing levels of all administrative areas in order to assess the appropriate staff/student ratio or other measures for each area, and adjust staffing levels accordingly. (sp09-sp10)
- During Fall 2009, continue to study appropriate compensation levels of all administrative areas and adjust accordingly. (f09-sp10)
- By Fall 2009, provide tuition support for staff earning an advanced degree and/or improving their professional skills.
- During Fall 2009, design an expanded staff development program for individual offices that strengthens staff’s working relationships with and service to students. (f09-sp10)
- By Spring 2010, determine appropriate level of technical proficiency for all staff positions.
- During Summer 2010, create a 2 to 3 year plan for providing comprehensive professional development for all staff to acquire the technological facility demanded for their positions. (su10-f10)
- By Fall 2010, complete a review of all hiring, assessment, and dismissal policies and procedures of staff and administrators, to ensure that they are consistent with best practice and will yield best results. (f09-sp10)
Objective Four: Assess the time, space, and resources available to the full-time and part-time faculty and staff, and develop and recommend adjustments to these resources so that faculty/staff may maximize their efforts to address students’ needs, maintain an excellent quality of work, and meet the goals of the strategic plan.
- During Fall 2008, re-examine the current Facilities Master Plan and timeline so that the Strategic Plan can be considered in every aspect of the Facilities Plan renovation. (f08-ongoing)
- During Spring 2009, evaluate current use of classroom facilities and determine the best combinations of time blocks and course offerings for day, evening and weekend to maximize space and time available for both teaching and student/faculty/staff relationships. (sp09-f10)
- By Spring 2009, increase the assistance provided by the Institutional Advancement Office and the Office of Academic Affairs to faculty and staff in obtaining grant funds in support of academic and student life initiatives. (sp09-ongoing)
- During Fall 2009, review space needs essential to meeting the goals of the strategic plan. (f09-f10)
- During Spring 2010, seek Board approval for acquisition or leasing of off-campus space, as needed, for portions of the academic and/or administrative areas in order to meet the current or anticipated space requirements of the Strategic Plan. (sp10-ongoing)
- By Spring 2010, maximize the opportunities provided by technology, expanded training, and a well-prepared faculty and staff to creatively ease space limitations and foster student learning, engagement, and communication. (sp10-ongoing) (See Goal 1, Obj 8 and Goal 5, Obj 3)
Facilitate better communication at all levels of the College in order to encourage broad collaboration within and among all sectors and to deepen the sense of community on campus and pride in the College and its values.
Objective One: Promote and disseminate the mission of the College and the goals of the 2008-13 Strategic Plan as an expression of values to which the community is committed, and in which it takes pride.
- During Fall 2008, begin a college-wide campaign to raise awareness of the College’s mission through frequent references in publications, at meetings, such as town halls, at social events and other appropriate opportunities. (f08-ongoing)
- During Fall 2008, publicize the vision of the Strategic Plan as an extension of the mission (e.g., international, interdisciplinary, experiential learning, comprehensive First Year Experience, revitalized student life, etc.) in communications within and outside of the College, especially those read by and developed by students. (f08-ongoing)
- By Fall 2008, edit the College web site so that the distinctive elements of the plan are clear to all. (f08-sp09)
- During Spring 2009 and ongoing, continue to hold discussions/town hall meetings on ways and means of refining and better implementing the Plan. (fa08-sp13)
- By Spring 2010, create visual images to communicate the mission of the College and the strategic goals to the community, such as designs on t-shirts, merchandise, etc. that complement the “brand” of the College. Engage students in the design work.
Objective Two: Create a more collaborative environment by inviting all members of the College to participate in discussion and decision-making on all major initiatives.
- During Fall 2008, strengthen the working relationship between the Faculty Council, staff and the administration in order to maximize the mission of a shared governance. (f08-ongoing)
- During Fall 2008, review the findings of the survey administered by CEWPF and develop intervention strategies based on its findings. (see Goal 2, Obj 5 for CEWPF)
- During Spring 2009, administer follow-up surveys among all offices, including administrative, academic departments/divisions, and students to create a baseline to clarify levels of satisfaction and to establish goals related to community building, participatory problem solving and information dissemination. (sp09-f09)
- By Spring 2009, publish monthly communication updates, with invitations for community feedback, from the President’s Office, each Vice President’s Office, and such college-wide publications as the monthly MMC Reporter regarding major developments planned or underway at the College. (sp09-ongoing)
- By Spring 2009, have minutes from the meetings of all major committees available/distributed to key personnel in all impacted departments and where appropriate make those minutes publically available. (sp09-ongoing)
- By Spring 2009, establish a regular meeting schedule for officers of the Faculty Council and Administrators to discuss matters of mutual concern.
- By Fall 2009, hold monthly meetings with representatives of the administration, divisions/departments and Student Government Representatives (SGA) to deal collaboratively with issues and activities that engage and impact the various groups (e.g., similar to SPC structure).
- By Fall 2009, hold at least one town hall per semester hosted by different administrative and/or academic departments/divisions to share updates, as well as hear concerns from the college community.
- By Fall 2011, reassess the community sense of participation and consultation as a result of these changes and modify accordingly. Use Fall 2008 surveys as baseline data. (MSSS)
Objective Three: Promote/increase the dissemination of information, ideas, discussion, and academic instruction across campus through the tools now afforded by technology and the web.
- During Fall 2008, conduct annual or twice annual surveys to a) determine faculty and staff’s appropriate levels of technological expertise, and b) review current technology, especially for classroom and office use. (f08-annually)
- During Spring 2009, create a new long-term Information Technology Plan to provide for the acquisition, consistent and timely upgrading and maintenance of communications and learning-enhancing hardware and software, including but not limited to desktop computers, servers, telephones and networking equipment, including:
- By Fall 2009, redesign and activate degree audit and train faculty advisors and staff in its use; also,
- By Fall 2009, acquire a campus portal that allows a single sign-on to all of the applications within the College; and also,
- By Spring 2010, that the different functionalities of the MMC website, recruitment, faculty/staff/programs, and current students, each has its own site for posting and disseminating information. (sp 09-10 and ongoing)
- By Spring 2010, support an effective web-presence for all faculty and programs on the College website (Initiatives 4 and 5 above cover this)
- By Fall 2010, develop an internal website for MMC students, collectively monitored by key representatives from Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and SGA. (Initiatives 4 and 5 above cover this)
Objective Four: Enhance communication informally through intellectual, social and recreational activities for all members of the community to be enjoyed either individually, in small groups, or by the community as a whole.
- By Fall 2008, hold social gatherings at least once each semester.
- By Spring 2009, utilize technology rooms during off-peak periods for small group lectures, movies, discussions, etc.
- By Fall 2009, designate an eating space for faculty, staff and administrators where members of the community can meet and exchange information, ideas, and resolve problems informally.
- By Fall 2009, promote intramural activities for faculty, staff and students such as debate clubs, team sports, group outings, lunch-time walking tours, exercise programs, etc.
- By Fall 2009, recommend a plan for competitive sports programs appropriate to our campus, e.g. cross-country track. (F09-F10) (See also Goal 2, Objective 5)
MMC will continue to strengthen its financial condition by concluding the comprehensive campaign, by increasing enrollment and retention, by diversifying and optimizing revenues from all current sources, by identifying new revenue sources apart from student tuition and fees, and by reviewing and revising allocation of budget funds to support the goals of the strategic plan.
Objective One: Complete the comprehensive campaign.
- By Summer 2008, have in place a new Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
- By fy 2009-10, complete the comprehensive campaign as required by the Kresge challenge grant.
- During Spring 2012, assess the viability of launching another campaign. (sp12-sp13).
Objective Two: Develop and implement a comprehensive Enrollment Management Plan that will feed into the 2008-2013 Five Year Financial Plan.
- By Fall 2008, develop a comprehensive five-year enrollment management plan that identifies specific strategies to ensure the following goals and targets by fiscal 2013 (Fall 2012):
- a full-time student population of 1750 to 1760 students;
- a first time, full time, first-to-second year student retention rate of 72% (assuming that the College achieves the programmatic strategic goals, both academic and non-academic, outlined in the Strategic Plan);
- a resident student population goal of at least 900 students;
- tuition increase targets ranging from 4% to 6% throughout the five-year period. (f08-sp09)
2. During Fall 2008, incorporate enrollment and tuition goals into a revised Five-Year Financial Plan that includes projections resulting from new investment and fund raising strategies. (f08-sp09)
3. During Fall 2009, revise as needed financial aid policies to determine optimal net tuition revenue and maximum financial support for economically-disadvantaged students. (f09-sp10)
- By Spring 2010, revise financial aid policies to better support students after their first year at the College. (sp10-f10)
Objective Three: Increase by at least 30% the number and quality of grants awarded in support of academic and student life initiatives identified in the Strategic Plan.
- During Fall 2008, designate a member of the Advancement Office as primarily responsible for research and developing grants for academic and student life initiatives outlined in the Strategic Plan. (f08-sp09)
- During Fall 2008, strengthen the collaboration between the Advancement and Academic and Student Affairs Offices so that staff from all offices can further assist with research and proposal writing (f08-f09)
- During Fall 2008, offer workshops in proposal research and writing at least twice each semester for faculty and staff. (f08-ongoing)
- During Spring 2009, identify, develop and submit proposals for at least two “fundable” initiatives. (sp09-f09)
- By Fall 2011, evaluate number and quality of grants received and revise initiative as needed.
Objective Four: Identify new revenue sources so that all of the strategic initiatives may be met by 2013.
- During Spring 2009, survey revenue generating activities undertaken by institutions similar to MMC. (sp09-f09)
- During Spring 2009, research potential new revenue sources. (sp09-f09)
- During Fall 2009, develop new and innovative programs to make efficient use during weekends, January and summer months of MMC’s academic and residence hall facilities. (f09-fa10)
- By Spring 2010, identify potential graduate degree programs for on-line, low-residency masters degrees, including cost/benefit analysis, and make recommendations by Fall 2010. (sp10-f10)
- By Spring 2009, involve (where appropriate) students in fund-raising events. (sp09-f10)
Objective Five: Review and revise the budget process to guide the allocation and management of resources consistent with the Five Year Financial Plan and the Institutional Strategic Plan, including procedures for establishing campus-wide budget priorities.
- By Fall 2008, operating budgets for fiscal years 2009 through 2013 should include resource allocations to fund priority activities outlined in the Institutional Strategic Plan while remaining consistent with the Five Year Financial Plan. (f08-ongoing)
Objective Six: Increase number and total dollar amount of unrestricted contributions from all constituencies, including alumni, trustees, retired faculty and vendors.
- During Fall 2008, continue to increase alumni (student and faculty) engagement through social and cultural events off-campus (museum visits, sporting events, theatrical presentations, etc.), as well as opportunities to return to campus, including events for specific majors/departments and career interests. (f08-ongoing).
- During Fall 2008, increase vendor participation in the events that produce unrestricted income – Golf Tournament and President’s Medal Dinner. (f08-ongoing)
- During Fall 2008, review and as appropriate revise specific targets for trustee giving to the annual appeal, Golf Tournament, President’s Medal Dinner and the comprehensive campaign. (08-sp09)
Objective Seven: Strengthen MMC’s institutional marketing and public relations programs to more accurately reflect the mission, vision and character of the College and broaden public knowledge of the College and its engagement with the City of New York.
- During Fall 2008, increase MMC’s presence in the media, including faculty/staff/student speakers, articles, letters, etc. to raise the College’s profile. (f08-ongoing)
- By Spring 2009, continue to increase budget for advertising dollars for marketing campaigns. (sp09-f11)
- During Fall 2009, increase outreach to the local community through offering more opportunities to attend classes, activities and events sponsored by MMC. (fa09-ongoing)
- By Fall 2009, strengthen relationships with corporate and public officials to enhance the recognition and reputation of MMC.
- During Fall 2009, continue to build the MMC website as a tool for recruitment, fund raising and external communication. (f09-sp10)