As a student at MMC, you are a member of an academic community. As a resident at MMC, your living environment is a community, as well. We each play a role in making our residence halls safe and welcoming communities.
Building Community
Our staff is here to help you build community and to support your educational experience outside of the classroom. As such, we hope you choose to share aspects of yourself by participating in a variety of experiences and group events. Being part of the residential community will allow you to learn a great deal about yourself and others.
Each individual in our community has the responsibility to behave in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others. In exercising your personal rights with respect for others, you can help to create a positive environment.
Making Good Choices
To a significant extent, your success will depend on your ability to understand and balance the rights and responsibilities of your college experience.
We place a lot of trust in our students, and we want to provide you with the freedom to make good choices in college. The college staff does not assume the role of campus parent, and you will seldom be told what to do or what not to do with regard to your personal behavior. The obvious exception, as with society at large, is when individual behavior threatens the health and safety of others, the community, your personal well being, or begins to disrupt the legitimate pursuits of others within the residence halls.
Our Policies
In order to maintain a safe community in our residence halls, we do have policies by which our residents must abide. All of our policies and procedures can be found in our Resident’s Guide to Community Living.
It is your responsibility to read and understand our policies, and to ask for clarification if something is unclear. By joining our community, you agree to follow our policies, respect your fellow residents, and help us build a strong and positive community.
Our policies are intended to keep our community safe and comfortable. However, fear of our policies should never prevent someone from getting the help they need for a roommate, a friend, or themselves. Our Good Samaritan Provision encourages residents to get potentially life-saving assistance when needed without fear of disciplinary action regards to alcohol use.
Whenever a student assists an intoxicated individual in procuring the assistance of local or state police, security staff, residence life staff, or other medical professionals, neither the intoxicated individual, nor the individual who assists will be subject to disciplinary action (such as probation or removal from the residence hall) with respect to the alcohol incident. This provision does not preclude disciplinary action regarding other violations, such as theft, sexual harassment/assault, vandalism, etc. Individuals who are combative or not cooperative with the student, staff member, or medical professionals assisting will not be eligible for this provision.
This provision offers a health-related response to the incident rather than a disciplinary consequence and does not excuse or protect those individuals who deliberately or repeatedly violate the Alcohol Policy. For more information, see the Alcohol section of The Resident’s Guide to Community Living