FERPA FAQS (Parents/Guardians)

FERPA FAQS FOR PARENTS – Parental Access to Student’s Educational Record At the post-secondary level, according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and college policy, no inherent rights are given to parents to inspect a student’s education records, unless the parent/guardian can submit evidence that the child/ward is declared a dependent on their most recent Federal Income Tax return.According to FERPA,your rights to inquire, access, or view your child’s education records end When a student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution at any age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student

Records may be released to the parents only under the following circumstances: In compliance with a subpoena, By submission of evidence that the parents declare the student as a dependent on their most recent Federal Income Tax form (IRS Code of 1954, Section 152). In the case of a dependent student, information may be exchanged without the written consent of the student for the sole purpose of completing a student’s financial aid application or the payment of tuition and fees.  Through the written consent of the student via Parent Connect . At Marymount Manhattan College, you can obtain access to your child’s education records and be in compliance with FERPA.   Parent Connect is online access to view the same information our students have access to view via the internet.  Our students can choose who has access to view their information along with the level of access granted.  These different access levels include academic information (grades, class schedule, student profile), financial information (account, financial aid, payment info), or both academic/financial information. For more detailed information on Parent Connect and how to gain access, please click on the following link

1.     Do I have a right to access my child’s records?

When a student begins attending a postsecondary institution, FERPA rights no longer automatically extend to the parents. This is the case regardless of the student’s age. Your child may grant you access to his/her records adding your name through our Parent Connect module.  See Parent Connect information link.

Exception - If the student is declared financially dependent as set forth in the Internal Revenue Code, you may have access to your child’s records.

2.       I am paying for my child’s tuition.  Can I see my student’s account and invoice?

No, Student account and invoice information is confidential information and part of student’s education records which is protected under FERPA.  Your child can grant you access to his/her financial information by adding your name to the Parent Connect module.  See Parent Connect Information.

3.       How can I get a copy of my son or daughter’s grades?

The quickest, easiest way for parents to receive information about their child’s grades, financial statement, or other student information is for the student to provide it. Students can look up information on MMC Connect.   For grade information, the student can click on “Grades” or “Academic History” under Academic Profile to view grades online, and print a copy to their parents.. 

Another way to get a copy of your son’s or daughter’s grades is to access the information on Parent Connect.  In order for you to have access, your son or daughter needs to grant you access by going on MMC Connect. 

4.       Can you send me a letter certifying that my child is enrolled as a full-time student at your institution?

Yes, Since current enrollment status is considered directory information the college can release enrollment verification to parents, unless the student has specifically requested to restrict the release of his/her directory information.  You need to complete the and return the form to the Center for Student Services at 212-517-0491(fax) or css@mmm.edu.

5.      Can I request to receive progress reports?

No, Progress in a course, deficiencies in a subject area, final grades, grades on exams, and other information about academic progress are examples of the confidential information that makes up part of a student’s education record. This information is protected under FERPA and parents do not have access to it unless the student has provided consent to the release of this information.

6.       My child gave me with access to her records. Can you email a copy of her transcript?

MMC does not release private information over the phone or by email.  You child needs to request a transcript by filing a Transcript Request form.    Your son or daughter can provide the mailing address.  We will mail out the transcript within 3 – 5 working days provided your child does not have any financial holds on his/her account. 

If your child authorized the college to grant you access to his/her academic records, you can view your child’s grades on Parent Connect and print out a copy .

7.       Does Marymount Manhattan College notify parents if a student is put on academic probation or is subject to academic dismissal?

No. Information about grades and academic standing is sent directly to students. However, a letter of probation or dismissal to a student may direct the student to a FERPA release form and request that he or she complete it to allow the appropriate University representative to speak with a parent. Under some circumstances, a parent will be notified of a change in a student’s enrollment status, but in such event, no explanation will be provided.

8.       I have a family emergency and am calling to find out where my child is at this moment.  Can you tell me where h/she is?

No, a student’s class schedule is not directory information.   If your child gave you access to his/her academic records, you should be able to view your child’s class schedule through Parent Connect.  

In a case of a crisis or emergency situation, Marymount Manhattan College may contact Campus Security, 212-517-0411 in an effort to contact the student for you. 

If non-directory information is needed to resolve a crisis or emergency situation, an education institution may release that information if the institution determines that the information is “necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.” Factors considered in making this assessment are: the severity of the threat to the health or safety of those involved; the need for the information; the time required to deal with the emergency; and the ability of the parties to whom the information is to be given to deal with the emergency
