Items tagged with exclude
The Pi Poem
By Ethan Palma
3.14159265358979 323846 26433832795028841971693
Pie I need.
I crave nutrition.
So fillin’, Jeeze!
The yummy religion.
Wonderful, Amazing, Beautiful Pie.
Do you maintain huge supply?
We desire only the big diameter.
Two pi radians measuring iamic pentameter.
To maximize exercise… Okay I fantasize.
Present I desire voluptuous pie!“I Think Myself A Time-Traveller &”
By Kellie Diodato
A bird—a finch—
invisible in flight,
fiery and agaze
advanced alliances,
leading Fibonacci
out to fly.
Sweeping Pisa,
stream to centre-city,
men who achieved
saw an ancient
consonant—risky, Archimedes…
An innocent ideology
from a perimeter. Dilated,
a cervix abounding
and necessary—
Aphrodite arc.
Caution, finch.
A time-travel* being;
guardian to Archimedes….
Michael Aron
“Boo!”, I yell. A woman ridicules me. People going and going, sampling everyone’s opinion. “Patience*, but as you breathed, y’all forgot to exhale”. “Okay, but one breather has to concede something, right?” Everything is horrible… fighting… stop! A president showing a person adventure can establish tolerance. It’s nothing funny.